Tuesday 22 October 2013

Group Narrative-Miss Georgiou

Research into Group Narrative
Vasil Nikolov

We had a group meeting to decide a narrative for our thriller film. Although we are only creating the opening 2 minutes, we have decided to make a detailed 2 minute opening scene which would gather all of the convections of a thriller and it would have the 3 Cs . Interestingly to one`s surprise we used my plot and added some features such as the murder of the female by using Dannie`s narrative ideas. We also discussed the sound effects and decided to add our idea of using cheerful music during a violent scene (Reservoir dogs). However, each individual narrative had their good ideas and bad ideas so we focused more on the good ideas to add to our group narrative. My group have taken all of this into account and it has made us think carefully about the narrative.  

Firstly, advantages about my individual narrative are that it is typical of the thriller genre and has iconography that is easy to obtain. However, definite disadvantages of my narrative in particular scenes would be hard to edit (for example the murder of one of my characters). That said, advantages to my narrative are the places where the scenes will be shot (This is because when I was writing my narrative, i used my house as an example), all convections of the thriller can be used in my story and that many of the aspects are going to be done in a realistic environment with realstic scenarios. 

One advantage of Dannie's individual narrative is very conventional to a film of the thriller genre and that most aspects of her narrative are realistic to include in our opening, for example, the setting of the house and being able to obtain the simple range of characters (wife, husband and killer). 

Another Advantage of Danniella's individual narrative is the use of a female character as a victim. This is typical of a thriller film and as it really portrays how females are seen as the innocent, weak and vulnerable. Also the use of three different locations (kitchen, bathroom bedroom) provides a variation for the audience and consequently frightening them as they will be led to believe that weird events are happen in these normal locations (because it is more relatable). However, a disadvantage of her narrative is that it would prove difficult to film the stabbing of the female as the killer is hiding in a cupboard.

George also gave us some good points he was going to use in his narrative. One of them is the Hidden identity of the killer as it creates tension and suspense throughout the film. A second advantage is Eerie music as it creates huge amounts of tension, and supsense in order to shock and surprise it`s audience. However a great disadvantage is that his narrative was slightly poorly detailed and had a problem with his setting. He wanted to film the opening scene in an Abandoned house. However, first, he did not know of any abandoned housing.

To make it as fair as possible, we decided as a group to include each members individual interpretations in my plot in order to create a clear vision for our final outcome. 

Our thriller film opening will begin with a man driving home and talking to his  wife on the phone. The camera would then change to the wife, which is in the kitchen cooking. A moment later she opens the back door and go upstairs. Then the killer would enter the house (POV View) ang go upstairs and kill ger using a knife. Then the camera would show the house and how the husband is parking in the drive, locks the car and enters the house (lights inside are on). He would then go to the kitchen. There a steadycam,  pov shot would show the kitchen with an open door towards the garden and a radio and cooking. The radio would play "Mrs. Robinson". He would then go upstairs, but there will be no sign of his wife. At this time his phone downstair rings so he goes downstairs and has a conversation with a stranger. He would then go upstairs again as he is advised to check upstairs. The moment he moves upstairs, the camera would move from the stairs to the bedroom looking towards the stairs. That way the audience will be able to see the immediate reaction of the guy as he sees his wife dangling from the attick (hanged). This portrays the convention of a vulnerable, female being the victim and therefore creates suspense upon the audience.

George Moore`s narrative-From his blog

Research into my idea. Miss Georgiou

I have come up with a few ideas for my thriller film, I have based my ideas around what creates suspsense, shock, suprise and tension. Here are a few of my ideas;
  1. Hidden identity - I would like to have the identity of the villain unknown throughout the whole opening as from watching scream I can see that it creates tension and suspense throughout the film. 
  2. Eerie music - I would also like to use eerie music in my piece as I believe the eerie tone of the music sets the tone of the scene and creates huge amounts of tension, and supsense which I would like my thriller film to do. 
  3. High angle shot - I would like to use a high angle shot on the victim in the scene as it makes the character look inferior to the villain which makes us think the character is unstable and makes us sympathise with them. 
  4. Low angle shot - I would like to use a low angle shot to portray the fact that the villain is superior to the victim and that the villain could do whatever he likes to the victim.
  5. Abandoned house - I would like to use an abandoned house in my thriller film as I believe it makes the setting of the film more weird and scary. It also makes it harder for the victim to call for help and is easier for the villain to kill them. 
  6. Point of View shot - I would like to use a point of view shot throughout my thriller film as i do not want the audience to see my villain one bit as it creates tension and suspense.
  7. Low key lighting - The last thing i would like to use is low key lighting as i believe that from watching shutter island that it creates shadows and creates tension for the audience as they cannot see much and therefore do not know whats coming up. 
My narrative appeals to persons aged 15 and above as i believe it would not be suitable for someone under 15 as they might not understand the concept and also may not like the idea I have created. It gives my target audience a sense of mystery throughout as they cannot see what the villain looks like as I will be using a point of view (POV) shot throughout the entire film. This will also give them a sense of tension and suspense as they are waiting to find out who the villain is.

Danniela`s Narrative-From her blog

Individual ideas for a narrative

A few things and concepts that has featured in films that have inspired me are:

The Sixth Sense: As the young boy is about to experience somethig bad, his breath is hot against the cold air which shows a sense of forbodding and that something's going to happen.I find it a useful feature that I would like to include within my own idea because it shows the element of suspense and unknowing which is conventional to a thriller film because it makes the audience not know what to expect.

In the film 'Deep Blue Sea' there is a clear element of surprise, suspense and shock. In a scene where by a female victim needs to go and find her research whilst the building is sinking, she enters an eerie and mysterious room. After her, follows a shark that stays within the depth of water, going unnoticed and unseen. A fake shark is pushed towards the girl startling her and the audience. However, when the real shark eventually goes to attack the victim who luckily escapes death, it is misleading to the audience because it makes them believe that everything is okay, a term that is known as the Kuleshov effect. This is conventional to a thriller because it misleads the audience to think everything is okay, before something bad happens again. I like this feature because it helps build the suspense and typically seen techniques that used in thrillers.

Lastly, another film that I find extremely useful  to my own idea that I am basing it on, is Nightmare on Elm Street. The reason why I find this so useful and excellent is because in my own narrative idea, I am basing it on a young boy who has nightmares that are actually yet to be a reality, and super natural events take place.. or so it seems, If the character dies in his nightmare, he will die in real life. I find this a powerful idea because it shows a sense of reality... the audience can relate because everyone sleeps, everyone has a nightmare at some point and often when provoked, a night mare can be made to a person. It would make the audience feel scared and in shock which is the main aim of a thriller... to create shock, suspense and surprise.

Before deciding entirely and finalising our group narrative we discussed which elements we could take from each others individual narrative in order to create a group one.

To begin, from my individual narrative we have used the scenes, housing. The use of this idea is a typical aspect of a thriller film and therefore we are keeping to conventions. 

In addition to this, from Danni`s narrative we took the base idea of how the main characters are killed and how the killer enters the house. The use of these characters is conventional to a thriller as seeing a female and a male in danger, feels realistic to the audience and therefore increases their experience while watching. And Finaly, taking George`s idea of lighting and sounds to keep the audience surprised.

After analysing many films of the thriller genre we have all been inspired by a variety of elements from certain ones as I mentioned above: Scream, The Shining and Reservoir Dogs. We have taken these elements and adapted them to fit our narrative and hopefully our outcome will be successful. 

To conclude, definite advantages of our group narrative is the use of different camera shots and generic conventions which are employed in the thriller genre. Also the use of the female victim and how we incorporated out questionnaire results into choosing our location as it is important we understand our audience before producing our opening. 

Brainstorm ideas for group

Breathe goes cold when murder on main character is about to die. -Feature from sixth sense.

Similar idea from scream 2 when character about to dies is on the phone - little dialogue.

Low key lighting - house lighting - electricity goes out when the phone call comes in

Feature from halloween town 1973 - instead of killer running upstairs. the victim is to see his wife but she isnt there.

First victim is a housewive of the husband, timer goes off which triggers cheerful background music (mrs robinson) from radio and then man gets phonecall.

Killer is watching the next victim through the closet as he phones him, before murder there''s a closeup of the mask that we're getting

POV when man gets into car to drive in, close up of hand going into the house, then pov of man going into house to see an empty kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates some planning techniques. You have evaluated the individual group ideas, from your group members, but it is difficult to see how you and your group created the group narrative.

    Relook at this post and include the advantages and disadvantges under the narrative, to make it easier to read. Also aim to include the narrative theory within this post.
