Monday 14 October 2013

Research into sounds-Miss. Miller

Sounds used in thrillers
Vasil Nikolov

Sounds are an essential part to films as they can create suspension, or any other feelings in the public. The film which one will use is called Jaws. Jaws is one of the best thriller movies, known to man/womankind as it uses mainly sound and no visual of the killer shark in order to create suspense and shock. This technique can be counted as very effective due to the simple reason that even in modern times, it is counted as a thriller that can scare it`s new or well known audience.

Firstly at 0:05 we see a girl and a boy running towards the sea. We then hear a conversation between the two, which supports the audiences thoughts. This is known as a diagetic sound as the sound which the audience hears can be seen and related to. Diagetic sounds are conventional to a thriller movie as the audience can see from where it is arriving. The conversation from the couple is not too long and is Innocent. This is unconventional to a thriller movie as dialogues in thrillers are not meant to create suspension (eg. SCREAM). However the converstion was needed in this part of the clip in order to show the audience that the female and male are in a relationship and that he is not trying to steal anything of her. From the dialogue, the audience would start to form a warm feeling towards Chrisie as she sounds innocent because of being in love.

From 1:28 to 1:53 we hear the most recognisable non-diagetic sound of all time. Famous, enough to stay and shock for decades the minds of many age groups. Whenever it is heard, it is always warning that a shark attack will occur. Although it consists of only two bass lines it is very effective as it creates tension due to the increase in the tempo and volume of the soundtrack when the shark gets closer to the female and her legs. It effects the audience because it builds a climax that they are unlikely to be disappointed with. Following this tone, gore and a bloody body would be counted conventional to a thriller clip as they would have a surprising affect on the audience at how quickly the shark has endevoured the girl. This is why the sound has been added in order to shock and surprise it`s audience.

By 2:20, Chrissie who has been attacked in the sea had been screaming in hope that someone will arrive to help. However, At this point, we see her boyfriend, lying on the shore and sleeping. The only sound we hear is the contrapuntal sound of the relaxing sea waves. Despite the calming sound, the situation shows a controversial and disturbing image, that the audience can see onscreen. The use of contrapuntal sound is often used in thriller films to confuse and disorientate the audience into believing something which is not happening therefore creating a twist. In this scene of Jaws however it is used more subtly unlike the majority of the film soundtrack. 

On the same second (2.32-2.33), the audience becomes a witness to a sound technique called Parallel sounds. While the bell is ringing, the audience hears the formation of waves hitting it. This is parallel because the sound matches what is happening in the scene itself. The sound of a ringing bell is conventional to some thriller's because it is sometimes used to make the audience feel sympathy for their innocent victim that passed away so young and beautiful.

Finally when the clip is at 2.34 we hear dead silence. This gives the audience a small shock as they discover that the deed has been done. It is portrayed by the ringing of the bell in the previous 2 seconds (Diagetic sound). This can be portrayed as a metaphor for a bell ringing for a dead sole. This would further convince the audience that Chrissie has been eaten.  The sound needed to be used in order to macke the audience feel shocked and pittiful for the female character that was just devoured by the unseen sea devil. The bell sound effect was used in order to confirm to the audience that the girl has died. This is because, the endevouring has happened so quickly that the audience`s mind is in denail of the event happenning so quickly.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a good understanding of the different sound techniques analysed and explained what they create for the audience. You have used the PEER structure well, but need to explain in further depth why certain sounds have been used.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Explain why sounds have been used and their effectiveness
    2) Read through and check spelling (general and terminology), grammar, punctuation and so on
    3) Include a summary of your research
