Wednesday 2 October 2013

Individual Ideas for a Narrative-Miss Georgiou

Ideas for a Narrative
Vasil Nikolov

Thriller movies rely on the 3S. The 3S are Shock, Surprise and Suspense. One must use it in order to create a successful Thriller opening scene. For Surprise I have decided to start the scene with a close shot of a male character who is driving to his house while talking to his wife on the phone. There will be no music as there is no need for suspense for the moment. His wife would be at home, cooking dinner. He would end the conversation, by saying that he will join her for dinner in 10 min. Then the camera would change from him, towards the house, which will be lighted (The scene arrives from Kill Bill when the bride goes to fight with the other woman). However there will be absolutely no sound (not even from the car). This way, even though everything looks normal, the suspense would start to rise in our audience.

The audience would have to be at the minimum age of 15 as the scenes, which will be seen may be disturbing (There will be a major violent scene). The main audience is teenagers so it would be pointless to create a clip which falls in the 18 category.

Then the character would start looking around the entire house for his wife (However he does not find her). Suddenly, his phone would ring and he would look at the phone`s screen, seeing that the number is unknown. From here on the scene would be similar to the ones from scream2.

During his call with the person, there would be on screen music (It would arrive from he radio in the kitchen. The music itself would be cheerful, even though the conversation becomes scarier by the second. This idea derives from reservoir dogs), so the audience gets used to the scene and gets confused why there is cheerful music, while the conversation is getting more and more scary. At some points, the music would be overheard by the heartbeat from the main character. This way, the audience would start to wonder what will happen.

The light which will be used would be from lamps in the house itself. This way, there would be shadows as there would be only one main light per room. This way, some angles of the camera would give the audience the case of mystery. The main camera angles which will be used are:
1. Close-up-When the main character is talking to his wife on the phone while driving.
2. Establishing shot-When he parks the car in front of the house and enters the house.
3. Steadicam-When the character moves from the corridor to the kitchen via the guest room.
4.High angle-While the character is moving up towards the stairs.
5.Eye level-When the character goes back to the kitchen to answer his phone
6.Mid Shot-While he is talking to the phone
7.Handheld-When he starts to run towards the stairs
8.Extreme Long Shot-When the character reaches the top of the stairs with his phone and sees his dead wife, hanging from the attic.
9.Eye level-When the character is told to turn around and sees the killer behind him.

There will be a lot of slow editing while the character is in the house. This way, there will be a tension building up with the audience as the camera speed is decreasing and then increasing. During the last conversation between the character and the killer, there will be a shot reverse shot as the moment the killer says that his wife is upstairs, the camera will be changed to  a High angle as he is climbing on the stairs. Te other camera editing techniques which will be used are:
1. Jump Cut
2. Invisible editing
3. ETC

My target audience is 15 year olds and older because, at that age, teenager are interested in watching movies that have gory effects, weapons and plot twists. Because my film is going to be located in a house, the audience should be able to relate to it as  they also live in neighbourhood houses.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a good idea for a thriller film and this is because you have considered the opening sequence well and what will be shown towards an audience. The inspirations that you have included, also helps to show your understanding of the conventions well.

    Now you need to explain how your thriller will appeal to your target audience, by considering your own narrative
