Wednesday 27 November 2013

Planning character representation-Miss Georgiou

Planing character representation
Vasil Nikolov

With planing the character representation, the actors will be more aware at what I want from them to act within our own thriller clip. In order for them to perform better, the full story of the character will be needed to show them how they will feel and how they should act.

My group and I decided to use three characters for our film as it would allow us to display a variety of cinematography, editing and sound features within our thriller. Also there is more from the audience to concentrate on them one at a time.

First character (Female)

Name: Stacey
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Race: Eastern European
Background: Stacey is an everyday domestic housewife. She spends everyday looking after  the home. Her main tasks involve cleaning the house, washing and cooking, nice home made meals -which we discover in the opening scene as she is cooking while she is talking on the phone. This way, the audience can relate to the character and develop a relationship with the character. Unlike the audience,  Stacey doesn't have any friends and her family consists of just her husband (Dave) and their two sons. The reason for this is because both her parents were murdered when she married Dave. Stacey was a hard working young madmoisel, but bad influences from ex-friends made her drop out of school and ever since, she had always stayed at home and watch Emmerdale.

How the character is represented:

Stacey's character appeals to the target audience as she uses very basic makeup and her hair is tied showing a sence of vulnerability yet confidence so teenage females can learn that it's okay to look how you do. This makes Stacey approachable to the audience. Also, by her wearing an apron and having no make up on, her hair tied up.. it will make her look weak. By showing this to the audience that she is a weak character, and giving the sense of death towards her,the audience would want to reach out and help her as she has had a lot of missfortunes in her life.

Second Character (Husband)

Name: Dave
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Race: Eastern European
Background: Dave is a solicitor. He is currently on a case working as a defendant for a victim against a well-known criminal, who is full of danger and is ready to lay his revenge on anyone. Dave is happily married with his wife; Stacey. They have two sons and a nice house. The family are Christians, however they believe in the aspects of karma. This is why Dave became a solicitor. Dave has grown up with both parents who are still with him to this very day. He has two older brothers who are twins, and one younger sister. Dave is a family guy. He is ready to guard his family with his life. He's had an easy time growing up, and he comes from a wealthy background.
How the character is represented:
The character of Dave appeals to the audience, as he is represented as a good soul who is willing to help and the fact that he is a solicitor allows the audience to trust him because of his authority and would therefore hold respect for him. The use of his outfit where he will be wearing a smart suit, along with a brief case show's that he is a sophisticated, strong character and that he is a bit conservative. It is important to convey the idea that his character is strong because it is a sense of security for the audience, therefore allowing him to appeal to the audience. Also the differene in clothing between him and Stacey shows the comparisons of a strong character and a weak character.
Name: Jerald
Gender: Male
Race: British
Background: This killer is currently facing trial in court for attempt of man slaughter, he has no friends nor family. As a young boy growing up, he was around a lot of nasty areas where he saw crime take place right in front of him - the main crime he saw was knife crime - and he witnessed his mother getting aggressively stabbed when he was 11. Since then he hadn't been the same, he had studied hard at school until he was 16 and then left to go and get a job. At this job, he was treated with no respect and was bullied by his colleagues both physically and mentally. Seeing his mother getting murdered and witnessing violence through out his life, as well as being bullied, violence has been a big influence in his life and his actions. He has killed 5 civilians so far, but yet is still blood thirsty.
How the character is represented:
The killer may not appeal to the majority of the audience. This is because this character is seen as violent and morally wrong in his belief. However, taking this attitude on the character works because in order for a successful thriller, we need the enemy to be feared for the audience to not want to relate to the killer. Yet, despite the audience not relating to this character, they still do. By this, I mean that the fact that this character is despised, it makes the audience want to know more and engages their audience with a film so still relates to the audience and appeals to them because it achieves an effective reaction.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates proficient planning techniques and how you will represent your characters. You have considered your characters well and the ways in which they will appeal to an audience.

    Aim to include still images, to support the points that you have made
