Saturday 30 November 2013

Target Audience Results-Miss Miller

Target Audience Results
Vasil Nikolov

The purpose why one, has a questionnaire is to find out whether, the target audience I have selected is correct and whether I should add more effects to the film, I am already creating. The survey was spread through the Internet via a survey website. After receiving and analysing the results, I was able to find the following:
 On the question '' What is your Age?" My main audience percent (50%) was in the age range of 22-30%. Following it, my second high percent in the chart is 18% in which the age range is between 41-50 year olds. This  is interesting as the initial target audience was aimed at 15 year olds. If the film is aimed at 15 year olds, the producer can include many scenes which contain violence, domestic cutlery used as a weapon and scenes containing nudity. However the film, which  we are producing will have limited scenes of nudity or weapons. As the percent of teenagers is small compared to the older audience with greater percentage, I should involve more scenes that have action, in order to interest the youngsters. Another way would be to add special effects, once the killing is happening in order to improve the excitement level in the production. If not, I should raise the age restriction of the film for 18 year olds rather than 15 year olds, as the demand for the film from my original target audience is worthless to me. There is also a chance for the film to be targeted for 15 but be mainly watched by audiences older than the target. A similar example would be "The Artist"

The second question is whether my audience had watched a thriller films. The results were excellent as 95% of the audience had actually watched a film. This means that the audience that answered my questionnaire was of the appropriate age gap. According to the results all 4% of the audience (Which were under 15)and 1% of the audience (that were 15-18). Therefore it was a wise choice to use a 15+ age certificate for the movie. 
In this question, the major percent answered thriller movies, while the other 12% did not like the genre. This does not concern me as I myself am not a big thriller film fan. Thriller films are not everyone`s cup of tea, however, the results of the survey show, that they will have a higher % of validity as the audience would be familiar with the genre and would give accurate and valid responces to the questions.
In this question, my targetted audience had to choose between 4 categories (1-younger than 15, 15, 18, above 18). The highest percentage was 18 and older than 18 (33% for category 3 and 40 for category 4). This shows that the film is too serious and violent for an under 15 certificate. However, according to 27% of the audience believes that the film is worth a category 1 12A certificate. Even so, the film will be kept at a type 15 certificate, so the audience at a younger age might watch it (even though they did not find it interesting).

This pie chart helped me to decide, what setting I should use for my own piece, using the audience`s opinion. I asked this question as I believed that by finding out what people in my audience would use would help me decide the perfect set for the film as the audience will be the consumer of my product. The reason why it is a closed question is that I am only going to use one of the following scenes: 
-Abbandoned building 
The main percentage of the choices is a house, so I will use it as my scenery. Another reason for the choice is that, if I had an open question, the audience would give me a great amount of information to process, which would mean that I would have a lot to analyse.
The thriller questionnaire was done on Word. It was sent on a questionnaire website where many people could answer it. The questionnaire has a simple style with orange coloured tick boxes. The reason for the bright and happy colour was that the audience should enjoy and feel relaxed when answering rather than being serious. Also, the questionnaire looks more professional, rather than unprofessional.

The first question (age) is an open question, so the participants could fell like they are not pidgeonholled into a certain category. Even though it means that I have twice the time needed for the analysis of the question, my audience would feel happy for being able to express their own opinion.

On my 5th question (What can you expect to see/hear in a thriller clip), I recieved encouraging ans interesting results, such as: Jaws theme tune, gun fire, imperial march and key quotes such as: "I will be back", "It`s a trap" or "I have always wanted to become a gangster". This provides me with sound and visual effects that I can insert in the film and be able to satisfy my audience with.

Question number seven, showed me what type of charaters, the audience would like to see in the movie (as I am sure that me and my team can not afford proffesional actors). I counted this question as a more relaxing and unimportant question as I knew that the actors which they will choose are unaffordable for me.

So far this is the Result analysis.

1 comment:

  1. You have given a slightly random analysis of your results, seeming to go off in different directions at times.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure your questions are relevant (if you were to direct a thriller, what would your target audience be?) < this type of question doesn't really give you info on the type of content you need to include
    2) Make sure you explain what the results mean in terms of you sequence and how you will include them
    3) Don't use colloquial language (cup of tea etc.)
    4) Include a paragraph on open questions (not age) giving an example of one with an answer and an analyses
    5) Make sure you explain what the results mean in terms of your content
