Tuesday 19 November 2013

Risk Assessment-Miss Georgiou

Risk Assessments
Risk assessments are important in the film industry as the cast and film crew should feel safe while the film is being produced. A Risk Assessment is a process of evaluating the potential risk that may involve in a project or undertaking.
The reason why risk assessments are done is in order to identify,
 analyze and evaluate the risks associated with the production of the opening scene. Thanks to risk assessments, one can determine the appropriate ways to eliminate or improve the hazard.  A risk assessment is an inspection on the future or current filming scene in order to identify different situations or processes that can cause harm to the actors or filming crew. Providing that an identification of a hazard is made, one can evaluate the risk and then decide what measures should be taken in order to prevent or control the hazard.

Risk assessments are  also important as they provide a plan for a safe filming facility. Safety rules create awareness for the hazard and risks in the working place. They can identify who may be at risk and show the measures that the employee needs to take in order to prevent himself from becoming a hazard.

As you can see, I have made a chart with all of the risks I have found and how to
prevent it.

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates a good understanding of why a risk assessment is essential to consider, before filming and it is clear to see the planning that you have carried out above.

    Did you counter any more risk, while you were filming?
