Sunday 22 December 2013

Group Storyboard-MIss MIller

Group Storyboard
Vasil Nikolov

Similarly to my Storyboard, our group storyboard resembled my original idea. However, we decided to add bits from their stories in order to increase the 3S as my original story lacked the suspence needed to frighten the audience.

As a group we had a meeting regarding our whole storyboard. We looked and discussed each others personal story boards and took the best parts to include in our own group one. For example we decided to use George`s camera techniques and Danniella's sound techniques. Combining all of these together created a great idea which will be easy to film but will create a lot of suspense, shock and surprise. 
In the first four scenes, there will be a short dialogue to introduce to the audience away what they should expect to see. The camera angle that will be used in the start of the film will be an eye level shot, showing the main character driving. The second scene will have an extreme closeup of the phone as his wife (Stacy) will call him and tell him that dinner will be ready in five minutes. Then there will be a reaction shot of how he becomes happier by the sound of his favourite dinner being ready in a hand-full of minutes. There will be slow editing while the conversation is happening in order for the audience to be able to understand what the plan for the evening is. Once the conversation has finished, it will become from slow to quick editing. This way the action can carry on with the original play. The lighting that will be used is going to be low key lighting as night time driving involves darkness. Low key lighting means that the audience can concentrate only on the main character and the phone. From the 4th scene, the action changes from the car to the house. where low key lighting (emmited mainly from house lamps), shows the wife cooking and calling her husband. She will be portrayed as a tired but quite happy woman in an apron cooking dinner.
Scene number 5 sees the world from the eyes of the killer (Gerald but the group always says that he does not have a name). He will enter the house and go to the kitchen, where he will chose a knife and go to the bottom of the stairs that leads to the room of the couple. The killer himself will not be seen until the end of the opening credits as it will create an enigma for the audience. He will be using a torch as the wife would turn off the lighting in the kitchen. Scene 6 would then be a high angle in which the wife would be starting the shower for a bath. The killer would then climb up the stairs while she is going to he room to change clothing. A variety of editing techniques and iconography will be used such as quick editing when the female character is changing and a high angle shot once the killer is knocking on the door.

In the next scene, a eye level shot greets the public with the dressed lady, opening the door that she expected was her husband. however what happenes is that it is the killer. Once she opens the door, the camera becomes a high angle shot, portraying the woman as a feeble victim.
The story continues with the bath starting to overflow, while the husband is entering the house. There will be two camera angles portraying the husband climbing the stairas and entering his room.
He will then find his wife, run downstairs, grab the keys, open the door and see the killer...
These are all of the scenes that are needed to be filmed for our thriller. The layout allows us to see both the visualisation and the technical. This shows us that as a group, we can have an idea and encorporate it fully. As we can see from our storyboards the use of it has enabled us to put our ideas down on paper and see if they would work together in order to finalise these ideas as a group and use for our planning. This story board will be used by our group so we can follow it when filming, so that we can get lots of footage in which we can edit in a short space of time. 

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a good analysis of the first two pages of your group storyboard but need to do the same for the remaining four.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Make sure you analyse all your storyboard in depth
    2) Make sure you explain the cinematography, sound, editing etc. used and why
    3) Make sure you explain what you hope to achieve by using certain micro-elements
    4) Inlcude a summary explaining how combining your individual storyboards has helped you produce a better group one
