Tuesday 17 December 2013

Planning Editing Styles-Miss Georgiou

In Editing styles, the Editors job is to organise the Filmed scenes and arrange each individual shot to combine them into a constant sequence. Every scene has a certain amount of different shots that have been chosen and assembled from the different repeats of the certain scene. Once placed, each shot of the scene can be altered to create a profound effect on the appearance of the film. Therefore editing is important, because it gives a sence of continuity to a film. It also prevents miss-communication between scenes so the audience understands how the story is going along. Editing can be an 'invisible art' because if executed well, the viewers will be so engaged in the film, that they will be unaware of the editors work. For example, the curtain scene in Psuyho, has 150 editing shots.

For our film, we decided to use a number of different editing styles  to help surprise, shock and suspence to the film for our audience. Below, One has aded the techniques that will be mainly used.
The first one is called "Eye line match". We decided to use this editing technique as part of our editing in order to show the audience what the killer is going to look at. It also makes the audience see everything from his point of view in order to put the audience in the shoes and thoughts of the killer.
The second one is called "Fast Editing". We decided to use fast editing in our thriller film so it can show a large amount of action in a single scene. By using the fast editing, the audience will be able to determine and separate the killer from the victim. It will also create an enigma of who the stalker is and why he wants to kill her. We also decided to use fast editing to create a chaotic atmosphere which is conventional to the thriller genre.
The other techniques that will be used are:
  • Slow editing
  • Straight Cut
  • Continuity editing
  • Reaction Shot
  • Jump Cut
  • Linking shot  
How will your editing styles make your thriller conventional?

Fast editing will make my thriller film conventional because it is at a fast speed. The quicker that pase of the film the increase of anxiety the audience will feel. It is also conventional because it enables us to introduce the stalker without showing his identity. This create an enigma and everything thriller film starts of with an unanswered question.

The eye line match is conventional because it makes the audience see the victim through the stalkers point of view. It allows them to build a relationship with the character which makes the audience empathise for the victim.

The dissolve cut is conventional to the thriller genre as it reveals what happened to the victim and answers how she got in that predicament in the first place. A dissolve cut allows the audience to see the disorientaiton and confusion the victim is expreience as if it is answering the audiences question of what happened.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates basic planning techniques and this is because you have not explored your editing styles in enough detail. You have included the correct styles that you wish to include, but further discussion of where these styles will be seen and the effect that it has on an audience, is needed.
