Monday 9 December 2013

Planing Opening credits-Miss Georgiou

Planning Opening Credits
Vasil Nikolov

Opening Credits are important, as they are there to show the people who helped int the production and were acting. This way, they would recieve recognition and gives them a good presentation for future jobs. This allowes the audience to research these people if they have been inspired by them and wish to know more about other productions they have done. Opening credits are usually shown as text. Some opening credits are with animation while others are with effects. I will use the following factors (Colour, style, convection and order of appereance) in order to aid myself analyzing both the film Se7en and the film "The shining"


Se7en is a very famous thriller from 1997. According to wikipedia`s list of top box office films it recieves 1st place in the top 20 thrillers. The colour scheme that was used, was based on a grey scale with an occasional red colour contrasting it. This way it pulled the attention of the audience closer to focus on the red staines of the opening credits. The scheme of colours used within these opening credits conveyed a grim theme. An example would be the handwritten and sharp, which would suggest that the writer of these letters is angry. In result this indicates that the thriller makes the audience recognise his feelings. Also the credits were shaky in order for them to be unsteady and create suspence in the audience about what is about to happen. This would make them believe  that the writer feels unstable and would make them feel uncomfortable due to not knowing his actions. 

the consistent use of flashing and the absence of the person`s face, creates a sense of enigma gor the audience. This makes them get a feeling that the film is going to be a thriller and that there will be a mystery person and a plots he has tought of. Underneath the credits, items such as scissors represent the convention of a thriller as they are conventional props. Also, the eerie music suggests the use of strong conventions for a thriller included in the opening credits. 

I should warn that the next part that is analyzed is going to be mixed with my ideas for our film`s opening credits.
The production company is the first thing to show up in the opening credits. The reason for doing this is probably to promote the filming company, which recieved the seal of aproval for the filming. Our production company has the first initial in our forenames. We believe that it was a good idea as the company sounds original and boosts our confedence.

After that it was the director of the film. He is equally important as he is supposed to bring to life the ideas of the producers of the film. As I was chosen to be the director, George added an entire slide in our credits to show that I was the director of the opening credits. I believe that it was just after the production name of our filming company.

Actors are equally important for tthe movie. They represent each character in a book so the director has to be very good at choosing the actors for the film as each person imagines the certain character differently. This is why in our film, the killer actually looks dimented, so the audience can fulfill their stereotypical beliefs regarding the killer. 

The title of the film is called "The bloody suit". The reason for being called like that is because the film is about a solicitor, trying to run away from the person he is not defending, In Seven, the actors had a different challenge, however they did have a scenario in which the main character is threatened and they may die. This is very convectional to a thriller movie as many films of the same genre use the narrative theory.

Camera director was the next role to show up in the opening credits of the film. The camera director is the person who is in charge of monitoring and controling the flow and way the camers wotked. In our film George was assigned as the main Camera director, however I recruited Freddie as well becaius George could not do on all days.

Following this section, the film showed the 
music, costumes, editors, production, camera operators, co-producer, producer and writing director.

Analysis of thriller opening credits by choice: THE SHINING
Compared to Seven, The shining starts with a very calm view of the woods and then accompanied by eerie music. Compared to the Seven opening credits, The Shining uses a different type of credits. While Seven has it`s credits in the four cornaers of the picture (each being in a different place), The Shining, has it`s credits flowing from the top to the bottom. 
Unlike Seven, the opening credits of this film are much more simplisitic and they create much less tension than seven. The font does not aid in creating suspension as it is in a VW beetle blue which gives a connotation of calmnes or the sea. THe credits are also bolded compared to Sevens` implying that they are imortant and that they must be read.

When we discussed the font for the film, we decided to use a mixture of both. Bolded ro give importance and then in different places and slightly blurred so the audience would think that they were done in a rush.

The filming roles were the same as sevens`.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of why credits are important, within films. This is because, you have not explored the 4 points from the lesson in enough detail and you have only included a basic overview of the style of credits that was used in Se7en, which makes your analysis basic and weak.

    Your second analysis, does not demonstrate any understanding of the task and this is because, Goodfellas is not a thriller, so this does not count as an analysis. Therefore, you need to analyse a second sequence, but it must be a thriller only!

    Within this post, you also need to consider what style of fonts that you will include within your thriller, by commenting on the style and fonts that you would like to create
